Legends/Old Timers

Legends game 1997 - Thelma Kieth, Rose Mofford, Karen Mischlispy
Legends game 1997 -Billie Harris, Rose Mofford, Cheryl Miller, Karen Mischlispy, Thelma Kieth
Legends game 1997 -Rose Mofford, Thelma Kieth
Legends game 1997 -Cheryl Miller, Thelma Kieth
The Pioneers of Softball - Legends Game 2001
The Trailblazers of Softball - Legends Game - 2001
Old Timer Game. Lee Ann Easley batting, Dot Wilkinson catching, Emily Alexander umpiring
Old Timer Game
Old Timer Game. Ricki Caito batting, Dot Wilkinson catching
Old Timer Game. Billie Harris pitching
Old Timer Game